User Experience & Neuromarketing

Throughout history, human-centered approaches have been adopted to improve efficiency and deliver a better product, service or interface. Developed in 1993 by Donald Norman, this concept involves the interaction of the end user with every aspect of a company, services and products. Starting from the decision to download a mobile app, encountering the app, interacting with the app, using the app components and realizing the purpose of downloading the app are all examples of a user experience process. User experience practice focuses on improving this human experience. To provide a high-quality user experience, the service needs to bring together elements of engineering, marketing, graphics, industrial design and interaction design. User experience encompasses an individual’s interactions with a brand’s product or service.

User-friendliness focuses on the ease of use, accessibility and comprehensibility of a product or service. It evaluates how effectively users can use an interface to achieve their goals. It plans how users will interact with a system. This includes user interface design, navigation layouts, button placements and other interaction elements. They seek to understand user behavior and needs by studying and analyzing users’ interactions with the product. This includes methods such as user testing, eye-tracking studies and feedback collection. It deals with organizing and presenting information to make it easier for users to access information. This includes elements such as categorization, labelling and menu layout. User experience designers conduct user research to understand potential users and develop solutions that fit their needs. This can include demographic analysis, user profiles and market segmentation. It includes colors, typography, graphics and other design elements to make the user experience visually appealing. Visual design deals with brand identity and user interface aesthetics.

By integrating neuroscience research into user experience design, it is possible to better understand the effects of products and services on users. One of the commonalities between neuromarketing and user experience design is neurodesign principles. These principles can be used to make visual communication, user interface design and brand messaging more effective. Neuromarketing is concerned with the methods used to assess and understand emotional responses. Understanding emotional intelligence in user experience design can improve the ability of design to create emotional connections. User feedback, when integrated with neuromarketing data, can assess users’ emotional responses to better understand their impact on the design. Through the collaboration of neuromarketing and user experience, the emotional impact of services and products can be deeply and professionally understood.


Psychologist Merve Altındağ

Pak, H., & Aydın, M. A. H. M. U. T. (2021). Kullanıcı Deneyimi.

Ustaahmetoğlu, E. (2015). Nöropazarlama üzerine bir değerlendirme. Business & Management Studies: An International Journal, 3(2), 154-168.


The Effects of Attachment Styles on Consumer Behavior

Attachment theory was established through the work of John Bowlby and important contributions by Mary Ainsworth. This theory suggests that an infant’s social and emotional development is profoundly shaped by their relationship with their primary caregivers. Ainsworth designed “The Strange Situation Experiment”, which observed that infants and children develop basically three distinct styles of attachment with their caregivers: Secure, Anxious and Avoidant.

2024 Consumer Psychology and Trends

Consumer-related motives can be divided into physiological and psychological. This distinction also shows the relationship between motives and needs. Physiological motives stimulate movements that are linked to the basic functions of the body. Psychological motives, on the other hand, stimulate emotional and mental movements.  Perception is the acquisition of information about the existence of an event or object through the senses. Every person gives meaning to all stimuli in the environment. Consumers perceive information from their environment. However, everyone’s perception is different and personal experiences, beliefs and values influence perception.

The Effect of Light on Human Psychology and Brain

When we are less exposed to light during the winter months, we may face various psychological and physiological difficulties. The human eye perceives visible light at wavelengths between 400 and 700 nanometers. This light emitted from the light source is reflected from objects depending on factors such as color temperature, vibration frequency, color rendering index (CRI), brightness and interaction with various substances. These reflections create different contrasts, reach the eye and affect people’s physical and psychological health.