How Summer Love Affects Our Brain

For many people, the summer months represent rest and renewal. The memories we make during the summer provide us with motivation and energy during the long winter season. For example, we all have a summer love that we cannot forget. So what makes summer love unforgettable? What are the chemical processes of summer love in our brain?

First of all, summer love is a kind of romantic state that emerges with the effect of hot weather and sunny days. The effects of summer love on the brain come together in a complex way and can vary from person to person. But in general, the positive chemical changes in the brain and romantic feelings during summer romance can make people feel happy, excited and connected.

Spending time with a person of romantic interest can increase the release of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine is associated with reward and pleasure, and romantic feelings can trigger the release of this chemical. During the sunny days of summer, our bodies can produce more serotonin. Serotonin is generally associated with happiness, relaxation and feeling good. This can help summer love to feel more intense and positive.

Summer love can often trigger positive thoughts and dreams. People may be more open to romantic relationships or flirtations during this period. These positive thought patterns can also influence emotional responses in the brain. Another factor is the increase in endorphins, romantic feelings and excitement can increase the release of natural painkillers and happy substances in the brain called endorphins. This means that summer romance can make people feel more energized and joyful. In the light of all this information, we are reminded once again how meaningful and important emotion is for humans. Because we are not machines that produce emotions, we are living beings whose essence is based on emotion.

As in every aspect of life, understanding, analyzing and interpreting emotion is of great importance in the research sector, which has an important function in understanding humanity.

Neuroscience makes it easier to explain and convey the background of emotion. In mood technologies, people’s emotions against any stimulus are measured by brain responses from the central and autonomic nervous systems. Emotion is analyzed and graphics and videos are created. In relation to the visual and auditory stimuli encountered, the scores obtained from the emotions tested may differ between those who experience summer love and those who do not.

“My love was like summer, hot and unforgettable”

We wish you a pleasant day.


Psychologist Merve Altındağ

Ercan, H. (2008). Genç yetişkinlerin aşk biçemleri ve benlik tipleri.

Robin Marks, (2023). “Oxytocin receptor is not required for social attachment in prairie voles” by Devanand Manoli et al. Neuron


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