Neuroscience Gains Strength in Election Research

‘Neuroscience’ is one of the most advanced technologies we have today to explore new possibilities in a world where people cannot think what they feel, express what they think and do what they say.

Neuromarketing studies under the umbrella of neuroscience can be seen in all areas where people’s decision-making processes play a role and this creates life, from brands to political parties. Neuromarketing is used in political election research to learn about voters’ subconscious reactions and emotions towards different candidates, campaign messages and political issues. With increasing experience, developing technology and new techniques, it is certain that neuromarketing studies will be much more effective in the coming years and will reveal unexplored truths.

NeuroPolitics, as it is known in the literature, is used in the field of political communication. Rhetorical and profile analyses conducted on voters offer a level of detail that cannot be obtained with traditional research methods in terms of revealing emotional interactions without asking them. From this point of view, it is a fact that neuropolitical research will develop more in the coming years all over the world, as long as it is provided by experts.

A review of election campaign archives reveals that presidents and prime ministers in various countries have used neuroscience in their campaigns to scan people’s brains, bodies and faces in order to increase their emotional resonance with voters. It is possible to measure voters’ brain waves with Electroencephalogram (EEG), skin stimulation and heartbeat with Electrodermal Activity (EDA), facial expressions and emotions with Emotional State Analysis.

We can give the following examples of such studies;

– In Mexico, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), of which Enrique Peña Nieto is the president, used these technologies of neuromarketing in its 2012 presidential election campaign. According to a consultant, Nieto’s party has been using facial coding for some time to select the best candidates. Some officials have openly stated that they use these techniques not only in election campaigns but also when they are in government.

– Francisco Olvera Ruiz, governor of Hidalgo, Mexico, and a member of the ruling party says “In our government programs, we use various neuropolitical technologies to evaluate the effectiveness of our communications and messages,” and adds “Neuroscience is especially valuable for us to get a more accurate and objective view of what people think, perceive and feel.”

– In Mexico, Emotion Research Lab used cameras on digital billboards to analyze audience reactions so that the campaign could quickly change the message. Inside the billboard was a camera with a special algorithm that could read emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, hate, fear and sadness. With feedback from the camera, the campaign’s message – images, sounds or words – could be changed to messages that voters liked better.

– In Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos’s re-election team in 2014 won the election by working with a neuromarketing firm that also worked with the Mexican government.

– Neuromarketing consultants say they have conducted such research in Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Russia, Spain and, to a lesser extent, the United States.

– Poland’s Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz and her party Civic Platform worked with a neuromarketing company ahead of the parliamentary elections.

– In Turkey, former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu worked with a neuromarketing firm during the June 2015 elections. Various techniques such as brain wave monitoring, eye, face, skin and heartbeat monitoring were applied to volunteers in laboratories in Istanbul.

The findings of the neuroscience studies can be listed as follows:

Ø In elections, the politician’s continuously making a name for himself/herself and being visible in various media increases his/her recognition by voters and increases his/her voting capacity over time.

Ø Being different and exciting always increases voter awareness.

Ø Appealing to emotions is the best way to influence consumers. Most people make decisions emotionally rather than cognitively.

Ø Politicians who talk about how bad the opponent is without developing a unique communication style are always doomed to remain in the second plan.

Ø It is necessary to use a clear and simple language in political communication. Mixed messages do not attract people’s attention and are forgotten over time. Especially messages that try to mobilize people and have clear goals are the first key to a correct communication. An effective message is one that is perceived within 5-7 seconds.

CONCLUSION: When traditional research methods are applied, voters may be reluctant, unconscious or unable to express how they really feel about a candidate. However, when neuromarketing technologies are used, precise, clear and subconscious data increases the quality of election studies and ensures that they are reliable within the limits of science.

Is A Strong Mind Possible with Neuroplasticity?

What is neuroplasticity?

Our brain that is between our ears, weighs an average of 1300 to 1400 grams and is the most complex system known in the universe: “The number of neurons in the brain is around 100 billion, at least as many as the number of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy.”

Neuroscience, which is the result of the coordinated work of the fields of psychology, psychiatry, neurology, biology and engineering, is at the forefront of research into the human brain’s decision-making processes, social interaction and emotions. In recent years, neuroscience has gone through a scientific golden age. This is largely due to the incredible discoveries about neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity or brain plasticity is the brain’s natural ability to adapt and change in response to internal and external stimuli. Our brain can change its functions and even its physical structure to react to inputs from events, experiences, thoughts and even human emotions. Previously, scientists assumed that the brain is finite and that we are born with a few billion neurons that do not regenerate. Scientists also believed that these brain cells slowly die over time and that because they are not regenerated, we die too.Luckily, we now know that this is not true.

Recent research has debunked these notions and people have learned that the brain is malleable and changeable.

Today we know that the brain can reorganize neural pathways, make new connections and even regenerate neurons. Neurons are nerve cells that serve as the building blocks of the brain and the entire nervous system. All of this happens naturally and depends on what we do with the gray matter we have as evolving beings. Neuroplasticity is quite remarkable when we think about all the possibilities and changes it can bring to our body and life in general. It is also a fascinating area of research because it allows us to understand how our brain can reorganize itself to create new synaptic pathways.

Everyone is familiar with the idea that if you exercise your body, your muscles and cardiovascular system can improve, making you fitter and better able to exercise. In a nutshell, this is also what your brain does when it is stimulated.

How is Neuroplasticity Different from Physical Strengthening?

Comparing the gains from brain and physical exercise is actually not a very accurate examination. This is because, although the effects are similar in principle, there are some fundamental points where they are very different. The biology of the brain and central nervous system is built to adapt much more efficiently than muscle cells do. This happens in surprisingly complex ways.

Not only does our brain develop new brain cells like muscles – a process called neurogenesis – but our neurons can also structurally reconnect to form new networks for further connections. These networks are vast – there are about 100 trillion connections between our neurons! By increasing myelin, a coating around neuron connections, our brain cells can increase the speed at which they communicate with each other. This increases their electrical efficiency, allowing neuron signals to move at a higher speed across networks. Over time, unused neurons can be cut back through a process called synaptic pruning, optimizing our brain’s resources. In the first years of our lives, our brains undergo an enormous amount of pruning, much like Michelangelo creating a masterpiece from a piece of marble. A recent discovery shows that this process also occurs in old age. The overall activity of our brain can adapt by speeding up or slowing down our brain waves. For example, being mentally alert requires faster brain waves. Research shows that brainwave changes can be sustained over time.

In short, the exercise our brains do has the potential to adapt much more quickly and robustly than the effect on our muscles, and with much longer-lasting changes. In fact, the latest neuroscience research is increasingly showing that conditioning our brains can have transformative effects on human performance and quality of life.

The Brain’s Power to Adapt

Even today, there is an operation called hemispherectomy that baffles neuroscientists. It is performed in life-threatening situations, such as severe epilepsy, where literally half of a person’s brain has to be cut out. In theory, this surgery should be devastating for the brain because each half of the brain manages very different functions, such as controlling one side of the body. However, it turns out that until the teenage years, when half of the brain is removed, the other half has the ability to transform itself into an entirely new left-right brain.

The brain essentially rebuilds itself functionally without any external help, sensing every change and quickly adapting to every situation. Given this incredible adaptation and reorganization of the brain, it seems that patients with brain damage of any kind have a much better chance of living completely normal lives. Exactly how this is possible is still unclear, but the potential implications of neuroplasticity promise neuroscientists an exciting area of research in human evolution for the future.

“The greatest structure in the universe is neither black holes nor celestial dynamics… but the human brain.”

Journey of Taste

Taste is a vital sense. The sense of smell, which acts together with the sense of taste, enables humans and animals to recognize and evaluate what they eat and drink.

Taste and smell are chemical senses. Receptors in the nose and mouth bind incoming molecules and generate electrical signals that are sent to the brain. Large sets of signals pass along the nerves of the skull.

The tongue is the main sensory organ for tasting. Our tongue is the most flexible muscular organ in our body, and this flexibility is crucial for nutrition and communication. Neurological studies on the tongue shows that taste is felt equally in every part of the tongue. Since there are enough nerves in the structure of the tongue, it easily sends information about taste to the brain.

The brain forms its perception of taste based on taste and retronasal odor, a type of smell. Brain imaging studies have shown that retronasal odor activates many regions in the brain.

While explaining the sense of taste, an interesting topic to focus on is ‘conditioned taste aversion’. When a food makes you sick, i.e. spoiled, it can cause you to find it repulsive or disgusting afterwards. If a food is paired with nausea, as animal research has shown, we are talking about negative taste conditioning. It is a powerful form of learning and can be learned in just one experience and can last for years.

“TASTE is a unique sense” We can only define taste by categorizing it:

Sweet: Usually associated with high-calorie foods rich in energy.

Sour: Sourness is a condition related to the acidity of things. It can signal unripe or spoiled food.

Salty: Many chemical salts give a salty taste, including sodium molecules.

Bitter: Associated with natural toxins. It is often considered an unpleasant flavor, although sometimes it is added to foods intentionally.

In recent years, a 5th taste has been introduced, ‘appetizing, or Umami’, which means delicious.

The most important question is: “How are these taste qualities represented in our brains?”

Taste perception falls within the field of neuromarketing and can be revealed through neurological measurements, that is, by measuring brain waves. The scores used in this measurement are ‘Liking, Mental Effort, Attention and Excitement’. The EEG method that is used involves the measurment of the changes in brain electrical activity that occur in cognitive processes with electrodes placed on the scalp. The EEG analyzes the ‘reward center of the brain’, the ‘limbic system’ and the ‘thalamus’ on the cortex.

Reference: Rita Carter

Journey to Brand Essence with EMONET

The most striking feature of physical and neurological research is that it can scientifically measure the emotional response of consumers to marketing arguments, brands and products. Since such researches provide scientific results within 95% reliability limits, they are safely used in measuring consumers’ unconscious perceptions, tastes, preferences, reactions and purchasing tendencies.

Especially since the pandemic outbreak, online methods have clearly come to the fore and gained the upper hand in the field of research, as in every field. EMONET, the Online Emotional State method, has the ability to measure remotely without sensors and is an excellent technology because it can be applied via laptops and mobile phones. It is practical as it does not take participants away from their natural environment and has the ability to be performed in a short time.

While the responses from the central and autonomic nervous system are measured by facial muscle movements, the amount of blood flow in the forehead and the size of the pupils are physiological measurement parameters used in EMONET analysis. Thus, understanding how the participant reacts to which stimulus confirms the wise saying that “we know a person by their face”.

Taking reliable and appropriate actions by utilizing the insights obtained from qualitative interviews conducted simultaneously with neurological and physical measurements in the EMONET method saves brands from creating faulty marketing and communication strategies.

EMONET STUDY: We briefly summarize below what the ‘BRAND PERCEPTION with EMONET’ Research conducted by NeuroMark for a Men’s Clothing Brand has brought to the Brand;

An EMONET Emotional State study was carried out with Group Discussions to measure the emotions towards the brand to create a new Concept by revealing brand values, associations and concepts and to select the appropriate ones for the brand from the new brand concepts and visuals discovered.

The following findings were obtained as a result of the study:

Insights for Menswear Brand: 

– Be a menswear brand, not a suit brand…

– Make men aware that there are products other than suits…

– Women and social media have an impact on menswear…

– It’s a social norm to dress according to the occazion…

– Weekend means freedom, dress according to your mood…

– Remember that comfort is synonymous with menswear…

– Customers and the industry have completely different definitions of clothing style…

The results of physical and neurological measurements: 

– The concepts most associated with the brand are ‘modern, casual, classic, innovative, young’.

o The concept of MODERN should always be there because it gives happiness.

o The concept of CASUAL cannot concentrate on any emotion.

o The concept of CLASSIC creates boredom.

o The concept of INNOVATIVE is very important because it creates excitement.

o The concept of YOUNG is especially desired by adult men.

Proposed and realized actions:

– Use the concepts and visuals we suggested in the new brand concept because they evoke positive emotions.

– Designing campaigns with a sense of innovation and emphasizing modernity to increase customer frequency.

– Engaging with young people and youth.

– Increasing synergy.

– Focusing on strategies that will turn brand awareness into purchasing.

– Utilizing social media opportunities.

– Using the brand face that is most compatible with the brand.


o NeuroMark ‘BRAND PERCEPTION with EMONET’ study

o I would like to thank dear Alev Bayrak, one of the most miraculous moderators and qualitative project managers I have ever known, for giving me permission to publish parts of the research we conducted together in this article.

Simin Demiriş

Taste Test with Emonet

“TASTE is a unique sense”

Taste is our most important sense that determines the pleasantness and acceptability of food and drinks. The taste components of what we eat and drink consist of different combinations of five basic tastes with different qualities.

We can only define taste by categorizing it: “Bitter, Sour, Sweet, Salty, Umami”

These categories are called “qualities of taste”.

The most important question is how these taste qualities are represented in the brain and emotionally?

Physiological, socio-cultural and psychological factors determine individuals’ food consumption and consequently their perception of taste. Considering these criteria, brands want to know what influences people’s food preferences. In obtaining this information, learning the emotions that guide people’s behavior comes to the fore. In previous Facial Emotion Matching studies, facial images taken on a second-by-second basis while eating were not reliable in terms of muscle movements, and facial images taken before, during and after eating were well below the 95% reliability limits. 


In the online EMONET method, the groundbreaking technology of NeuroMark as Emotional State Analysis, the person’s face and emotion are mapped against the stimulus or stimuli presented. Using this technique, consumers’ unconscious perceptions, tastes, preferences, reactions and purchasing tendencies are scientifically measured. In the EMONET method, neurological and physiological responses from the central and autonomic nervous systems are reflected and analyzed through blood flow, pupils and facial muscle movements.

In the TASTE TEST study conducted with EMONET, the target audience’s true feelings about the taste of the ‘Product/Brand’ are determined on the basis of 5 emotions. It is learned whether the product/brand has a taste that arouses excitement, is liked and creates positive/negative emotions. The detected emotions become 95% reliable as a result of the personalization work applied in the study.

The feasibility of this test requires a very careful and meticulous design of the Experimental Design. Since EMONET is a physiological and neurological measurement, the eating habits and personal characteristics of the participants should be prioritized.

The TASTE TEST with EMONET method opens the doors of the neuromarketing world to brands in the food sector. This method offers the opportunity to look at the consumer world from a scientific perspective that deciphers emotions by shedding light on the dark parts of consumer preferences and behaviors on the Journey of Taste.

3 Steps to Build Brand Image

The main purpose of Research Companies like us is to help ‘Brands’ to formulate the most appropriate marketing strategy for their customers in the context of planning, organization and control in changing market conditions.

Our goals for the Brands we work with are generally listed as follows:

Analyzing the brand and consumer relationship

Uncovering the (+) and (-) values of the brand

Turning negative brand perceptions into positive ones

Encouraging teamwork

Providing the right psychological environment

To use the results of the research in the formulation of future strategies different from the situation analysis

The way to achieve all these goals is through conducting Brand Image Research. This is a study that has emerged due to the similarities between brands. In this study, by transferring the personality traits of individuals to brands, brands are differentiated from each other, that is, an image is created for each brand.

Let’s take a look at the stages of Brand Image research together:

Physical and Emotional Expectations: When creating a brand personality, the characteristics, needs and expectations of the target audience should be well analyzed. When user expectations about the product are well analyzed, the brand’s job becomes much easier. These expectations are categorized as concrete and abstract.

Free Association: The first emotions and concepts that users think of when defining the brand are revealed and a road map is prepared for the Brand in the product category in question.

Brand Personification: Through personalization studies, it is understood which emotions consumers feel towards the brand and how they see the brand. The strengths and weaknesses of the brand from the consumer’s perspective are identified.  

Based on Functional Benefits: The functional benefits that the brand provides to the consumer are revealed.

Based on Emotional Benefits: The emotions that consuming or using the brand will make the individual feel are analyzed.

Based on Social Benefits: The benefits that the brand will offer to the individual in the social field are determined.

Consumer Brand Relationship: The relationship between the consumer and the brand is very important. When they come together, the consumer should see the brand close to them and even feel similarities with their personality. When this relationship model is established, the consumer’s bond with the brand is strengthened, loyalty is ensured and it becomes easier for the brand to achieve its goals.

3 Advantages of Creating Brand Image in 3 Steps:

1- Increasing sales and market share

Ensure and increase brand awareness and recognition

Attracting potential consumers to point of sales

Ensuring and increasing existing customer loyalty

Providing a better customer service experience

2- Ensuring the creation of communication objectives

Targeted consumer response

Swot Analysis

Brand personality i.e. Tone of Voice

Brand Positioning

Social media, Mass media and Activities

3- Improving the quality of its employees

Making a difference

Gaining prestige

“Brands that speak to the heart create the magic that does more than fill a need in a consumer’s life. ” David Aaker.